KJL Offers Distributors Key Locked Inserts & Studs
JLKFasteners, Inc. a leading supplier in the AeroDistribution business, has just entered into an exclusive Master Distribution agreement to offer a new product line for Distributors.
The new line includes MS51830 thru MS51834 and the NAS1394 & 1395, which are inserts and studs used in a turbine engine and transmissions, gear boxes and other applications. They are often used for Aerospace & marine applications where you need to increase the strength of the parent material.
KJL Eliminates Long Lead Times
These parts are problems for Distributors since they often have lead times of up to 60 weeks or more. KJL will be able to offer these same parts with 4 to 12 week delivery cycles. This is a huge advantage for the Distributors and it can give them a competitive edge.
KJL’s President, Ray Lock was interviewed recently. He said, “We are the exclusive Master Distributor for a new manufacturer of ‘key locked inserts and studs.’ Because of this unique relationship, we expect to be able to offer lead times from 4-12 weeks. Not only that, we will be able to accommodate customer specials and parts to print in 4-12 delivery times as well. We welcome inquiries from all distributors.”
Nominated For NASA’s Small Business of the Year
“We also have a blanket agreement to supply the fasteners to NASA-JSC though Jacobs Sverdrup until 2010. We were very honored to be nominated for NASA’s small business supplier of the year award.”

The Business Edge
Ray said, “One important secret to the success of our business has been our ability to manage all of the endless details efficiently. Everything that we handle must have complete Lot Control and Traceability. We frequently quote the same thing over and over to different people. We must have our finger on the pulse of the business and our Inventory control must be virtually perfect. We knew that in order to be successful in this business, we would need a system that was designed specifically to meet our needs.
“We chose The Business Edge from Computer Insights, Inc. We have been a Business Edge user now for about 3 years. During that time we have grown 300% and we have increased our staff by only 40%. The BUSINESS EDGE gives us the ability to process things very efficiently. As our business has grown in size and complexity, our software has helped us to apply the KISS principle so that we haven’t gotten bogged down by the endless paperwork required for Mil Spec products.”
System Grows With Them
Ray elaborated, “We have noticed that as we grew, so did the capabilities of The Business Edge software. We now receive all of our Inbound Faxes as electronic documents. These documents are automatically attached to the Customer or Vendor file when they come in. We can also attach them to individual Parts (as in the case of a drawing) or an individual Lot as would be the case for a Certification that is faxed in to us. If the documents are not faxed into us, we can simply scan them and attach them in the same manner.
“The system also gives us the ability to turn all our forms into PDF files, view them on the screen, print them, fax them or e-mail them. Everything is an electronic document. We have eliminated so many steps and so much paper that it is hard to imagine doing it the “old” way.”
Time & Space Are Obsolete Concepts
Ray really likes being able to run the system by “remote control,’” He stated, “I travel a lot, both for business and pleasure. The Business Edge provides us with the ability to tele-commute and work just as well in a remote environment as from the office. The system is truly an indispensable tool for our business.”
This article appeared in Distributor’s Link Magazine, Spring 2007
For More Information
KJL Fasteners
100 Railroad Ave.
Loyalton, CA 96118
phone: 530-993-6800
fax: 530-993-6803
Computer Insights, Inc.
108 South Third Street
Bloomingdale, IL 60108-2912
Phone: 800-539-1233
Fax: 630-893-4020