November 2011 – August 2012

Release Notes – November 2011 – August 2012

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Order & Quote Entry System

  1. New Flag – Orders-Calculate Unit Cost from BOM? If this flag is set to Yes and a Product that is added to an Order has a Bill of Material, the system will calculate the current cost based on the Default PO Cost of the components in the Bill of Material. The cost that will be used for purposes of Posting to the General Ledger will be the actual Cost at the time the Product is allocated. This gives the User a more realistic idea of the cost of the product when adding it to an order. The default for this flag is Yes. This Flag can be changed in Entity Flags – Order Entry.
  2. New System Flag – Skip Backorder Screen with Tracked Products? Companies that Track Lots/Locations on Products can now skip the Backorder screen when Allocating Orders when there is no backorder. Unless you need to change order prices or add line comments during the allocation process this flag should be set to yes to reduce keystrokes and speed up the allocation process.
  3. New System Flag – Default Quote Output – This flag should be set to the most common method used companywide to send out Quotes when in Order/Quote entry. In the past the default Output was automatically set to Paper. If you tend to Fax or E-mail more than print a Quote this flag should be changed. Users still have the option of changing it on the fly when processing a Quote. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Order Entry Flags, Screen 5 of 6.
  4. New System Flag – Default Sales Order Output – This flag should be set to the most common method used companywide to send out Sales Order Acknowledgements when in Order/Quote entry. In the past the default Output was automatically set to Paper. If you tend to Fax or E-mail more than print an Order Acknowledgement, this flag should be changed. Users still have the option of changing it on the fly when processing an Order. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Order Entry Flags, Screen 5 of 6.
  5. New System Flag – Allocate Orders in Order Entry – If your procedure is to Allocate Orders before printing a Pick Ticket, this new flag may speed up the Order entry process. When this flag is set to Yes, after each line is added to an order the User is automatically brought into an Allocation Screen where that line can be allocated. This way each line is allocated as it is entered instead of allocating as a separate process on the final screen. The default for this flag is no. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Order Entry, Screen 6 of 6.
  6. New System Flag – Use Order Internal Reference in TUI? – An additional Sales Order Heading field has been added to the graphical interface. This field can also be used in the Text interface if this flag is set to yes and if there is enough room to add an additional field. This is simply an open field that can be used for any purpose. If you would like to have this field print on forms those changes would be billable at our normal hourly rate. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Order Entry, Screen 6 of 6.
  7. New System Flag – Use Order Job # in TUI? – An additional Sales Order Heading field has been added to the graphical interface. This field can also be used in the Text interface if this flag is set to yes and if there is enough room to add an additional field. This is simply an open field that can be used for any purpose. If you would like to have this field print on forms those changes would be billable at our normal hourly rate. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Order Entry, Screen 6 of 6.
  8. New Feature – FOB System – If you would like to print an FOB on your Sales Orders, Invoices and or Purchasing Documents, there is now an FOB System. In the Text interface this can be used on the Purchase Order and can only be used on a Sales Order if there is enough space on the Heading Screen. There is a flag that is located in Entity & System Flags – Order Entry, Screen 6 of 6, if this flag Use FOB is set to yes the field will be available and the FOB Codes can be setup in Accounts Receivable File Maintenance, Shippers & FOB.
  9. New System Flag – Warn Packing List not Allocated? If this new flag is set to Yes and a User prints a Packing List they will receive a warning that the Order has not been allocated. . This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Order Entry, Screen 6 of 6.
  10. New System Flag – Prompt to Print Acknowledgment After Order? – If you always send and Order Acknowledgement to your customers you may want to turn this flag on for convenience. After entering an Order the Print Order Acknowledgement will pop up automatically, every time a User enters an Order. If they do not want to print the document they can cancel out of the print screen. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Order Entry, Screen 6 of 6.
  11. New System Flag – Prompt to Print Quote After Quote? – If you always send a Quote out after entering it you may want to turn this flag on for convenience. After entering a Quote the Output Quote will pop up automatically, every time a User enters a Quote. If they do not want to print the document they can cancel out of the print screen. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Order Entry, Screen 6 of 6.
  12. New System Flag – Prompt to Print Pick Ticket After Order? – If you always print a Picking Ticket after entering an Order, you may want to turn this flag on for convenience. After entering an Order the Output Picking Ticket screen will pop up automatically, every time a User enters an Order. If they do not want to print the document they can cancel out of the print screen. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Order Entry, Screen 6 of 6.
  13. New System Flag – Prompt to Packing List After Allocation? – If you always print a Packing List after Allocating an Order, you may want to turn this flag on for convenience. After allocating an order the Output Picking Ticket screen will pop up automatically, every time a User allocates an Order. If they do not want to print the document they can cancel out of the print screen. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Order Entry, Screen 6 of 6.
  14. New Report – Order Fulfillment Time Report – This report allows you to view all orders for any date range. The Order Fulfillment Time Report will show you the total orders entered for the time period selected as well as the time elapsed between the time the Order was entered and Invoiced. The information in the data grid can be exported to Excel and in the graphical interface, the screen can be customized to show the following columns: Order Date, Order Number, Customer, Order entered by/time/total, Pick ticket printed by/date/time, Released to wireless warehouse by/date/time, Pack list printed by/date/time, Invoice created by/date/time.

    This new report is located in Order & Quote Entry System, Order Reports, Order Analysis reports.

  15. New Feature – Lot Reservation – This new feature allows users to reserve specific Lots for a specific Sales Order in the system. This would replace Allocating an Order to reserve stock. When an order is Allocated there are restrictions such as you cannot edit an allocated order, and it is considered an Allocated Order which will not show up in certain reports or inquiries unless you specify to include Allocated Orders.

    To reserve lots on an order there is button/function key in the sales order detail line. You have the option to reserve or un-reserve lots as well as view the lot details of each available lot. Once a quantity is reserved to a specific line item, it cannot be reserved or allocated to another order.

    When Allocating an Order the system will allocate the reserved inventory for that particular line item.

  16. New Report – Order Exception Report – This report will show you any orders that have a cost or sell that is less than zero. The Order Exception Report can be modified to your discretion to show allocated/unallocated orders and orders which the cost/sell is less than zero. The information in the data grid can be exported to Excel or in the graphical interface the screen can be customized to show the following columns: Order Number, Line Number, Customer, Product Code, Description, Quantity Shipped, Sell, and Cost. This new report is located in the Order & Quote Entry System, Order Reports, Allocated Order Reports
  17. New Report – Lines Allocated by User – This new report can be generated for any Date Range and can be used as a gauge for the productivity of personnel. It will present the number or Orders/PO’s/PPO’s and inspections by User for the Date range selected. The information will be presented to the screen and can be exported to Excel. In the graphical interface the columns on the screen can be customized to show the following columns: User, Order lines, PPO lines, Received PPO lines and inspections. This new report is located in the Order & Quote Entry System, Order Reports, and Allocated Reports.
  18. New Report – Shipping Summary by Customer – This new report can be generated for any range of Dates and/or Customers. It will present in summary form all of the Orders that are open for the Date Range selected based on the Date Requested on the Orders. When generating this report the Beginning Date should be entered as far as you could have an un-shipped Order if you would like to capture late orders. Users can choose to include Quotes, All Order Types, RMA’s, and Work orders. Additional options include Zero Work Orders and Consider Allocated Open. The information can be printed, exported to Excel or Adobe. In the graphical interface, the data grid can be customized to show the following columns: Customer, Order Date, Order Number, Date Requested, Ship Via, Order Total, Customer Code and Salesperson. The Shipping Summary by Customer report is located in the Order & Quote Entry System, Order Reports, Scheduling & Expediting Reports, Shipping Schedules by Customer.
  19. New Inquiry – Open Orders Ship Schedule Inquiry – This new Inquiry can be generated for any Date Range and any Range of Customers. Designed as a custom report it cannot be changed but may be useful if you are trying to expedite a specific Customers Orders. This Inquiry will present all line items scheduled to ship in the Date Range selected sorted by Customer, Product Code and Order Number. The data can be put into Excel for further sorting. The fields that are include are Order Number, Order Date, Date Requested, Customer PO #, Quantity on the Order, Quantity On Hand, PO Number or “various” if it is on an Open PO, Vendor if it is on a single PO, Quantity on PO and PO Cost.
  20. New Options in Merge Orders – buttons/function keys have been added to Select all Orders and De-Select all Orders.
  21. New System – Free Freight for Customers – You must be using the Shipper System in order to use this new system. The flag to turn this system on is Use Customer Free Freight System which is located in Entity & System Flags – Accounts Receivable.

    This new system allows you to set up customers up with a Free Freight amount for Orders Over a specified dollar value. The system will check each order total against this amount and decide whether or not it needs to automatically charge freight on the invoice. If an order total is over the customer’s free freight amount, it is flagged to receive free freight and the free freight will carry over to all back orders as well. If the order total is less than or equal to the customer’s free freight amount and the shipper freight terms are Prepaid – the order is flagged to automatically put the freight charge on the invoice.

    When this flag is set to yes – the Free Freight for Orders Over amount will appear in Enter & Edit Customers – Additional Information in the graphical interface and in Additional Information, More in the text interface. This field is also protected by User Security so you can limit which Users can adjust this amount.

    There is also a system flag – Create Inv-Force Frt Charge on Prepaid Orders? When this is set to Yes, it will force users to enter freight charges in the (prepaid) shipper(s) before the order is invoiced (if the shipper is not UPS). That is the key to getting correct freight charges on the invoices. The orders with UPS shippers will pull the freight charges from the ups system at the time the invoice is created so they do not need to be entered manually. If the order is flagged to bill freight, the system will use the shipper freight charges entered to calculate the invoice’s freight charge.

    In Enter & Edit Shippers there is an option to give the shipper a Default Freight Amount (excluding UPS). If there is a default freight amount on a shipper, it will fill in the freight amount on the order when the user selects the shipper.

    It the order/invoice is flagged for free freight – the invoice will either not show the freight/shipping charge at all, or it will show what the freight/shipping charge actually was and then show the shipping allowance to show that the customer will not have to pay for it.

  22. New Feature – Order Delivery System – The Order Delivery System can be used to create delivery logs for in-house drivers and automate the Invoicing Process based on the Orders being delivered. Sales Orders must be allocated before they can be added to a Delivery Log.

    Before using this system Drivers and Trucks need to be setup in the Order Delivery System. Delivery Logs can then be created by selecting the Driver, Truck and the Orders that you would like to include on the log. Logs are assigned an internal number starting with 10000. Only Orders that are allocated and not invoiced can be added to a log.

    Delivery Logs can be assigned 4 statuses from within the Order Delivery System Menu which is located in Order & Quote Entry System, Expediting & Delivery, Order Delivery System.

    In Process – The log is in process and has not been marked for delivery

    Out for Delivery – The Orders are being delivered

    Delivered – The Orders have been delivered

    Closed – The log is closed and can no longer be changed.

    There are two options when closing the Delivery Log. Close Delivery Log and Create Invoices or Close Delivery Log. If you choose to just close the log, the orders must be manually invoiced.

  23. New System Flag – Comment to use for Open Documents – When viewing the Open Documents for a product the default Comment field is the Line Comment on the order. This can be changed to be the Schedule Line Comment by changing this flag. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Inventory.

Purchase Order System

  1. New System Flag – When reversing a PO Receipt there are choices to make the PO and Open Purchase order or Received Status. The default has been changed to Open Purchase Order since that seems to be the most common choice. This flag can be changed in Entity & System Flags – Purchase Orders.
  2. New System Flag – Auto Show PO Received Back Order Screen? If this flag is set to Yes, when receiving a PO if there is an open backorder quantity the backorder screen will be prompted automatically. If the Users that are doing the receiving have the knowledge and authority to change the back order quantity or change the Promise Date this flag should be set to Yes. When this flag is set to No Users must click on the Backorder option to over-ride it.
  3. New System Flag – Use Estimated Freight in Receive Accrued? This new flag enables Users to type in an estimated freight cost to be added to the cost of product being received on a PO. The cost entered will be applied based on dollar value to all line items on the PO. This added cost will be in the Landed Cost for tracked products.
  4. New System Flag – P.O.s-Warn if no cost – When this flag is set to Yes and a User enters a PO Line without a cost they will get a warning. The warning can be over-riden. The default for this new flag is No. This flag can be changed in Entity & System Flags – Purchase Orders.
  5. New Inquiry – Brighton-Best PO Inquiry – This inquiry will show all P.O.’s placed through the system integration with BBI for any date range selected. This will include PO Number, Number of Lines, Value, User that Submitted the P.O. and the date it was submitted.
  6. Feature Change – Buyers – If your companies assign Buyers to Product for purchasing through the ARS system the way the buyer is setup has been changed. In the Past the buyer was a User Name. This made it complicated when an employee would leave the company. The Buyer field in Enter & Edit Products will now come from a client controlled lookup list. Enter & Edit Buyers can be accessed in the Auto Replenishment Maintenance Menu. If you run the ARS using Buyer Logic the system will ask which Buyer’s Products you would like to look at if there is more than one Buyer in the ARS batch. Products without buyers will be assigned to a user called unassigned.
  7. New Feature – Expedite Documents – Late Documents Report – This report in the past only looked for Late Purchase Orders that were needed to fill requirements. There is a new question – Include All PO’s Due Before. The system will now include all Late Documents before the Date you type in this field even if there is no requirement for the Product.
  8. New Display – Total Weight on the Purchase Order Inquiry found on the Final Screen will now display the weight based on what was received after a P.O. has been received.

Processing Purchase Order System

  1. New Feature – Users can now insert a line in a Bill of Material. This is helpful if you are adding a product to a BOM and you would like it inserted in a specific sequence.
  2. New Feature – When in a Bill of Material in Product Inquiry or Enter & Edit Products the system will now display an estimated cost in the heading of the screen. This estimated cost is based on the current Default PO Cost of the Components in the Bill of Material.

Accounts Receivable

  1. New Document – Commercial Invoice – You can now produce a Commercial Invoice from within The BUSINESS EDGE. This requires having Tariff Codes assigned to your products since they are a required field on the form. If you need the commercial invoice please contact Software Support. The document will then be added to your system. Once the form is there the system will prompt the User to Print the Commercial Invoice after the Packing List is printed if the order is for a country other than your company country. The Commercial Invoice can also be printed from the Order Output Options.

    PDF Forms are required to use this new form. This is a standard, generic form with no letterhead. These cannot be completely customized like the normal invoice and do not include User Defined Fields.

  2. New Document – Pro Forma Invoice – This document can be utilized when your customer requires an invoice so they can pre-pay for an Order before it is actually shipped. It will not include all fields that are on a normal invoice.

    If the Order you are printing the Pro forma invoice for is allocated it will only include the allocated quantities. If the line items are scheduled it will only include the first scheduled quantities. If the Order is not allocated or scheduled all line items will be included. This new document is available in Output Options from within a Sales Order.

  3. Menu Change – The A/R Invoice Routines menu has changed. A new In Process Report by Salesperson was added and all Invoices in Process Reports are now in a separate menu. This moved some of the other options below those reports up. Update invoices used to be the 7th choice and now it is the 6th choice for instance.
  4. New Report – Invoices in Process by Salesperson – This new report will provide a listing of Invoices that have not been updated grouped by Salesperson with a sub-total for each Salesperson. The original Invoices In-Process by Salesperson report has been re-named to indicate that it has each detail line, it is now called Invoices in Process by Slsp Detail. Both reports are located in the new sub-menu Invoices in Process Registers.
  5. New Report Option – When running the Sales Journal Tax Reports, they can now be generated by Branch if the branch system is being used.
  6. Flag Change – Master Customer – There are now three flags that can be used for a Master Customer. You can choose a Master Customer for Alternate Product Codes, Contract Pricing and now invoicing. In the past there was one shared flag that covered both Alternates and Contract Pricing. Now in addition to the new Invoicing feature described in #7 below you can have your customer share either Alternates or Contract pricing as well as they could be setup to share with different accounts.

    Master Customer Flags are located in Enter & Edit Customers. In the graphical interface they are in Financial Settings. In the text interface they are in Additional Information, Master Customer.

  7. New Feature – Master Customer for invoicing – This new flag enables you to setup one Master Account for billing and statement purposes while all Orders and History go to another account. This new feature can be helpful if you have a Customer with many ship to locations that all bill to the same billing address. You can setup the Billing Address to be the Master Customer. All invoices will bill to the Master Customer. Each Shipping Address would be setup with their own account and select the Billing Account as the Master. All Sales and History would be linked to the Shipping Account while all invoices for accounting purposes would be posted to the Billing Account.
  8. New Feature – If you have Customer Notes set to Pop-up when a Customer is selected, they will now pop up when you choose a Customer in Enter & Edit Deposit.
  9. New Feature – In Enter & Edit Deposits, if a check is entered and there is an unapplied balance the system will put an asterisk next to the check amount in the text interface or a red warning in the graphical interface. This makes it easier to find a check that has not been completed without generating the edit report.
  10. New Flag – Force UPS Collect Customer Acct. # – If this flag is set to Yes, Users will not be able to setup an order as UPS Collect unless there is a UPS Account Number entered in the Customers Address record. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Accounts Receivable.
  11. New Information – When a Customer is past due and a credit warning comes up the system will now display the oldest open Invoice Number, The Date and how many days old it is along with the amount on the Credit Warning screen.
  12. Report Change – Sales Journal – In the past the Sales Journals included invoices that were in-process, not updated. These invoices will no longer be included in the Sales Journal. You can see the same type of information, sales, profit etc. by viewing the Invoices In-Process Reports found in Accounts Receivable, AR Invoice Routines. The reason this change was made was to insure complete accuracy of the Sales Journals. Cost on In-Process Invoices can change before the Invoice is updated which could change the information.

Accounts Payable

  1. Report Name Change and Screen Total – the Accounts Payable Purchase Journal has been re-named to be Vendor Invoice report. When presented to the screen the total is now presented on the Heading.
  2. New Report – Vendor Invoice Distribution Report – This new report can be generated for any date range by either Invoice Date or Posting Date. It will list all invoices for the period sorted by the General Ledger Account the Invoice was posted to. Each General Ledger Account will be subtotaled by Debits, Credits and total amount posted. This report is located in a new menu in Accounts Payable Reports, Vendor Invoice reports.
  3. New Inquiry – Canceled Vendor Invoice Inquiry. This new Inquiry can be generated for any date range. The information presented is User, Date, Time, Vendor, Invoice Number and Reason. When a Vendor Invoice is canceled it can be put back in process to be changed or deleted from the system.
  4. New Inquiry – Deleted Vendor Invoice Inquiry – This new Inquiry can be generated for any date range. The information presented is User, Date, Tim, Vendor Invoice Number and Reason.
  5. New Inquiry – Vendor Entry Inquiry – this new inquiry will present all new Vendors entered in a selected time period. The information presented is Vendor Code, Vendor Name, Entered By, Date and Time. This new inquiry is located in Accounts Payable Reports, Vendor Lists and Labels.
  6. New Inquiry – Product Family Vendor Inquiry – A Product Family can be assigned to Inventory Classification. Vendors can be assigned to Product Classifications. This new Inquiry will enable a user to select any range of Product Classifications and will then display all Families tied to those classifications along with the number of products within each Family. Users can then drill into any particular class and view all Vendors setup in that particular Classification. While viewing the associated Vendors there is a button/function key to edit those Vendors, new ones can be added or existing Vendors can be removed.

    This new Inquiry is located in 2 places – Accounts Payable System, Accounts Payable Reports, Vendor Lists and Labels and


  1. New Report – Product Change History Report – This new report will show changes of audited fields in the Inventory Master records. Users can select any range of products by Product Code, Description, Classification or Alternate Product Code. Users can select an individual field such as Unit Cost or view all field changes. There is also an option to include deleted Products. This report is located in the path below:
    Inventory System
    	Inventory Reports
    		Miscellaneous Inventory Reports
    			Product Change History Report
  2. New Flag – Confirm List Price Change? – If this flag is set to Yes and a User changes the List Price in Enter & Edit Products the system will prompt them to confirm they wanted to change the List Price. This flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Inventory, Screen 4 of 4.
  3. New System Flag – Force Reference for G.L. in Man Adj? – When doing a Manual Adjustment Users can enter a Reference on the first screen which is designed to be the reason the adjustment is being made. When this flag is set to Yes, Users must enter some data in this field in order to proceed to the second screen. The Reference in a manual adjustment can be viewed in the Cardex and is very useful when looking at historical transactions.
  4. New System Flag – Brighton-Best System – There are 3 options for this flag. Inquiries Only, Purchase Orders and Inquiries or Not Used. Based on the level of integration companies want in the system this flag can be setup in Entity & System Flags – Inventory, Screen 4 of 4.
  5. New field on report for Excel – The Default location field has been added to detailed inventory list when presented to the screen and put into Excel.
  6. New field on report for Excel – The Default location field has been added to the List Inventory by Location report.
  7. New fields added to inquiry for export to Excel – When viewing Recent Product Sales for a Customer in a Customer Inquiry or from within a sales order, available location and lot information has been added when exported to Excel.
  8. New Field in Inventory Master File – Max Stocking Objective – This new field is used in the Automatic Replenishment System with the Stocking Objective option. When using this option, the system calculates what your Order Point is on the fly based on the period of time you have setup in the Stocking Objective field in Inventory. You can now set a Max Stocking Objective so that you can have the system suggest you order once you are at the Stocking Objective and then replenish up to the Max Stocking Objective. The default value is 2x the Stocking Objective. If the Max Stocking Objective is blank the system will use the Max Qty to Stock field.
  9. New System Flag – Text Interface Only – Expert Product Inquiry Qty Shown as – The options are Group by Document Type or In/Out Available. – This flag applies to the Expert Product Inquiry. The default setting is to show quantities on Sales Orders, Allocated, To Send to PPO’s, and Sent to Processor. This new flag will show Quantity in Warehouse, Qty Going Out, Qty Coming In and Available Qty. This new flag is located in Entity & System Flags – Inventory on screen 4 of 4.
  10. New System – Fastener Clearing House Integration – This new feature will enable you to upload designated inventory to the FCH website. The information that is uploaded is Product Code, Selling Description, Branch and Quantity Available (On-Hand less Allocated and Committed). You must have a member ID that is entered into The BUSINESS EDGE in order to utilize this new feature.

    There is a flag in the Inventory Master file that indicates if a particular Product should be uploaded. In the text interface this flag is in Stocking Information, Web. In the graphical interface it is located in Additional Information. Items can also be set to upload from within the Dead Inventory Report as well as from a new report located in the Dead Inventory System – FCH Product Report.

    Once you have products setup to be uploaded you can upload a file to the Fastener Clearing House Website at any time with FCH Web Update selection found in the Dead Inventory System.

  11. Screen Change – Cardex Inquiry – Quantities, Prices and Costs are now all displayed in the Cardex based on the Stocking Unit of Measure. Costs, Sales and Quantities are now comparable in the Cardex. If your company has the same unit of measure for stocking, selling and purchasing on a product you will not see a change. In the graphical interface there are additional columns that can be added to your screen display to show the actual unit of measure items were bought or sold at.
  12. New Option – Tracking Cardex – Users can now view the tracking Cardex by Branch.
  13. New Inquiry – Order Inquiry is now available from within the Cardex. When viewing Cardex transactions if you click on a sales transaction there is now a button/fkey to view the order that the line you are viewing was on.
  14. New Flag – Confirm List Price Change – If this new flag is set to Yes when a User Changes the List Price in Enter & Edit Products they will now get a confirm box to be sure they meant to change the List Price. If you would like Users to get this warning this new flag can be set to Yes in Entity & System Flags – Inventory, Screen 4 of 4.


  1. New Feature – Printer Name Change – Names of Printers can now be changed in Enter & Edit Printers. Some companies may attach User Names to Printers, this new feature makes it easier to change the names if employee’s change departments or leave the company. Enter & Edit Printers is located in Utilities, Printer Control System.
  2. New Feature – Default Options for Email/Fax Subject Line and Email Message. If you are using PDF forms you can indicate by form how you would like the Subject line and Message to Default by Document. The Subject line also applies to faxes. By default the system fills in the Document Type and Document Number and the Subject line indicates the type of document and Attached.

    The Email/Fax Subject can now be Document Type & Document Number, Document Type from Entity Name, Document Type & Document Number from Entity Name or Blank. The Message Line can be Document Type – See Attached or Blank.

    These settings are changed on each individual form in Entity & System Flags, Document Flags, Document Form Numbers under Form Options, Select the form that you would like to change double click or enter on it and then go to Email/Fax options.

ISO / Quality System

  1. New Report – Product Lots Missing Certificates – This report will provide a listing of all Lots that were received that did not get a required Certificate attached to the Lot. This report is located in Purchase Order System, Purchase Order Receipt Reports.

  2. New Report – Open P.O.’s No Product Specification – This report can be generated for any date range and will only include products on Open P.O.’s that do not have product specifications assigned to them. All Products can be included or just Products that require specifications.

VMI Mobile app

The optional VMI Mobile App has been re-designed in the past year. The current VMI Mobile app will run on iOS products like the iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android and possibly others to follow in the future. There is a Bluetooth version and a serial connection version to meet your salesperson and customer needs.

The Bluetooth Scanner scans orders into the smart phone app which runs on all iOS devices (ie. iPhones & iPads) and Android devices. The user can view detailed information about the scanned item instantly. The user can upload orders at any time from wherever they have cell phone coverage or wifi access.

The USB Scanner stores the order internally until the User is ready to upload it to a PC, where detailed information is then shown to the User. The Order is then transmitted to your server over the internet. This is particularly useful for customers scanning and submitting orders themselves.

Please visit our website or give us a call for more detailed information and pricing.