How would TBE handle #9

How would The Business Edge handle the following?

A customer orders some items that he needs groups of them tagged with the same information (like the job it is for). For instance the customer orders 100 of a bolt that he wants 10 of them tagged 4010, 10 tagged 501 and the next 10 is tagged with a different number until all 100 are accounted for. Then he orders 60 of a different bolt that he wants 20 pieces tagged with that same job 4010 and another 20 are tagged with that next job 501 and last 20 tagged with next job number. Does your have an easy efficient way to handle this special tagging.

Each quantity can be entered on a separate line of an order putting the Job Number in the line Comment. Customer Package labels can then be formatted to print the Line Comment. All forms and labels are customized to your specifications.