Brighton-Best Connection

Brighton-Best Connection

Text User Interface (TUI) – Setup Instructions

  • In Enter & Edit Entity add the Brighton-Best vendor and the default warehouse for the entity.
  • If Branch Enabled then set the default warehouse for each branch in Enter & Edit Branch.
  • In Enter & Edit Vendors go to F5(MORE) and then F8(EDI) and enter your Customer Number, User ID, Password, and Admin E-Mail(the Admin E-Mail is used if there is no user E-Mail setup in the system)
  • In Entity & System Flags / Inventory Flags select one of the three options (Inquiry Only, Purchase Orders & Inquiry, Not Used) for the Brighton-Best System.
  • Setup Brighton-Best UOM related codes
  • In Enter & Edit Shippers add a “Best Way” shipper to the system if there isn’t one and add your UPS account number to all UPS accounts.
  • Link Brighton-Best shippers to your shippers. Go to Enter & Edit Vendors, F5=More, F8=EDI, F3=Edit Shipper Relationships, enter on one of your shippers and then select a Brighton-Best shipper that best matches. If there are no Brighton-Best shippers listed then select the F2=Update Shipper Info and try again.
  • Setup a default shipper for Brighton-Best vendor
  • Run UPGRADE BBI INVN GUI IMAGE (a programmer will have to do this)
  • Setup sample company the same way but use the following settings for the EDI Vendor settings: BBI Customer Number = TACHNN, BBI User ID = TRIAL, BBI Password = f4st3n3rs.

Text User Interface (TUI) – General Instructions

To Change the Brighton-Best Operation Mode (Inquiry Only, Purchase Orders & Inquiry, Not Used)

Main Menu
  9. Utilities
    10. System Administrator System
      5. System Setup
        2. Set Up Miscellaneous
          4. Entity & System Flags
            5. ENTITY & SYSTEM FLAGS - Inventory (3 of 3)
              Brighton-Best System

Graphical User Interface (GUI) – Setup Instructions

  • In Enter & Edit Entity add the Brighton-Best vendor and the default warehouse for the entity.
  • If Branch Enabled then set the default warehouse for each branch in Enter & Edit Branch.
  • In Enter & Edit Vendors select EDI Parameters from the Options and enter your Customer Number, User ID, Password, and Admin E-Mail(the Admin E-Mail is used if there is no user E-Mail setup in the system)
  • In Entity & System Flags / Inventory Flags select one of the three options (Inquiry Only, Purchase Orders & Inquiry, Not Used) for the Brighton-Best System.
  • In Enter & Edit Units of Measure setup Brighton-Best UOM related codes.
  • In Enter & Edit Shippers add a “Best Way” shipper to the system if there isn’t one and add your UPS account number to all UPS accounts.
  • Link Brighton-Best shippers to your shippers. Go to Enter & Edit Vendors select EDI Parameters from the Options then Edit Shipper Relationships from Options enter on one of your shippers and then select a Brighton-Best shipper that best matches. If there are no Brighton-Best shippers listed then select the Update Shipper Info option and try again.
  • Setup a default shipper for Brighton-Best vendor. You probably want a Best Way shippper if you don’t already have one.
  • Run UPGRADE BBI INVN GUI IMAGE (a programmer will have to do this)
  • Setup sample company the same way but use the following settings for the EDI Vendor settings: BBI Customer Number = TACHNN, BBI User ID = TRIAL, BBI Password = f4st3n3rs.