How long will the server software upgrade take?

How long will the server software upgrade take?

An upgrade of The Business Edge server software can take anywhere from several minutes to several hours.

Things that affect the length of time an upgrade will take include but are not limited to:

  1. How old is the version they are being upgraded from. Upgrading from a version that is a year old will take longer than upgrading from a version that is a month old.
  2. The server’s Internet download speed. Some upgrades require a lot of files to be downloaded, some don’t need many. The upgrades that require big downloads are affected more by their server’s Internet download speed.
  3. Speed of their server, disk drive speed, CPU speed, amount of memory. The faster the machine the faster the upgrade will be installed.
  4. Amount of data in the file. A system with a million invoice records will take longer then a system with a thousand invoice records if the upgrade process affects the invoice file. If the upgrade does not affect the invoice file then the number of invoices won’t matter. The same is true for all of the files in the system. There are over 600 data files that may affect the amount of time an upgrade will take.